Hello all!
It has been 5 months since my last post and I sincerely apologize. I have been wearing the DNA appliance this entire time and the experience has been rather interesting, but very rewarding. As of 2 weeks ago, I have grown out of my DNA appliance because of the rapid expansion and it is currently at the lab being reconfigured to fit my newly widened mouth. Over the past 5 months the DNA has been pushing my teeth outwards, and now they have widened enough to where we can start pushing them forwards (using a splint (sp?)) so that I can have a more rounded smile instead of a triangular shape (which is what I have had my entire life).
Since the 5 months have passed, I have noticed major improvements to my facial bone structure. I have always had a very full, rounded, squishy-cheek, kind of face. Now after wearing the DNA for 5 months, my face is 10 times thinner and I have cheekbones. My entire jaw has slowly shifted forwards! This visual change has been more rewarding than I could ever have expected.
I cannot wait to get my appliance back and progress towards the smile of my dreams :-)
I will post some recent photos soon!